Price list 2023/2024

Price per month *
individual lessons (all instruments and singing)440,00 PLN / month (2 x 30 min or 1 x 60 min per week)
individual lessons (all instruments and singing)345,00 PLN / month (1 x 45 min per week)
individual lessons (all instruments and singing)240,00 PLN / month (1 x 30 min per week)
two-person lessons (guitar, flute, ukulele, piano, vocals)280,00 PLN / month per person (1 x 60 min per week)
two-person lessons (guitar, flute, ukulele, piano, vocals)240,00 PLN / month per person (1 x 45 min per week)
two-person lessons (guitar, flute, ukulele, piano, vocals)180,00 PLN / month per person (1 x 30 min per week)
three-person lessons (guitar, flute, ukulele, vocals)220,00 PLN / month per person (1 x 60 min per week)
three-person lessons (guitar, flute, ukulele, vocals)195,00 PLN / month per person (1 x 45 min per week)
rhythmic and musical classes in a group (children aged 4 – 6 years)140,00 PLN / month per person (for a group of 3 people 1 x 30 min per week)
guitar rental40,00 PLN / month (only for students of Akolada)
violin rental40,00 PLN / month (only for students of Akolada)
keyboard rental70,00 PLN / month (only for students of Akolada)


Fixed fee in all months of the school year. The full number of lessons for all months from September to June inclusive, except for the month in which the school winter holidays fall.

The holiday period is free from classes, two semester concerts are organized as part of the full fee for this month.